Dayo Kadree

Legal Services Corporation

Dayo Kadree is the program officer for disaster relief at the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) overseeing complex portfolios, leading high-performing teams, and disaster resilience focused websites. Kadree manages LSC's Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act grant responsible for assisting low-income Americans impacted by the pandemic. She also leads the strategic direction of the Legal Aid Disaster Resource Center and created, a website that supports disaster preparedness and recovery in the midwest.

Additionally, Kadree oversees the management of private grants for disaster relief efforts. She works closely with donors and partners to secure funding, allocate resources, and ensure the effective implementation of disaster response programs.

Previously, Kadree monitored regulatory compliance for over 1,400 educational institutions. She also facilitated policy meetings for senior leadership, guiding decisions on improvements, grievances, and policy changes to better serve students.