Max Boykoff is a professor in the Environmental Studies department at the University of Colorado Boulder. He is also a fellow in the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences. He has several ongoing research interests in science and environmental communications, science-policy interactions, political economy, business and the environment (with negotiations, marketing and advertising concentrations). He has experience working in several country contexts, and is a co-author and editor of seven books and edited volumes, along with many articles, reports and book chapters. Among his other activities, Boykoff was a contributing author to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Mitigation and Policy Report, he has served on the Independent Science Panel for the Deep South Challenge in New Zealand, and he was a deputy editor at the Journal of Climatic Change for over a decade. He also lead the Media and Climate Change Observatory and co-direct Inside the Greenhouse. Boykoff earned a PhD in environmental studies at the University of California Santa Cruz, an MBA from the University of Colorado Boulder, and a BS in psychology from the Ohio State University.