Tyler Barton has a PhD in disaster risk management focused on rural and underserved populations, as well as the interface between emergency management practitioners and disaster researchers. His professional experience in emergency management includes:
- Recovery (3+ years working on long-term community recovery planning, disaster recovery management, and federal interagency coordination on behalf of the Federal Emergency Management Agency);
- Response (2 years as a volunteer first responder on/leading an Urban Search and Rescue Team in New Zealand);
- Mitigation (2 years implementing disaster risk reduction programs in El Salvador as part of the U.S. Peace Corps);
- Preparedness (4 years as a bilingual community outreach instructor and equitable course content developer with the Denver Office of Emergency Management); and
This purposeful multi-angle approach to understanding the social impacts of disasters and the broader field of emergency management is supported by a background in geology with an emphasis on natural hazards research, stakeholder engagement, and capacity building.