Yiwen Wu is a PhD candidate in the School of Public Affairs and Administration at the University of Kansas (KU). Yiwen’s research focuses on governmental outsourcing and environmental planning, specifically exploring opportunities and challenges in outsourced local hazard mitigation planning. Prior to doctoral studies, Wu earned an undergraduate degree in mathematics and a master’s degree in urban planning.
Wu has been actively involved in hazards mitigation and recovery research, including the longitudinal evaluation of local hazard mitigation plans and analyzing links between local mitigation and recovery planning practices. Wu is a doctoral research fellow at the Institute for Policy and Social Research at KU, advocating for innovative interdisciplinary approaches to addressing environmental issues.
Moving forward, Wu aims to learn equitable planning approaches from diverse planners and advance knowledge in enhancing communities’ capacity for risk reduction planning. Wu is dedicated to advancing knowledge in expanding communities’ capacity for planning for risk reduction in a more equitable manner.