Research Counts

By Samantha Montano and Paolo Cavaliere

Including the public in disaster recovery planning might seem obvious, but it's a step that's often not given enough attention. This article offers tips to make sure recovery is a participatory process.

By Steve Kroll-Smith, Pamela Jenkins, and Vern Baxter

The devastation caused by disaster can reverberate through people’s lives for years, causing a cascade of other problems. This article reflects on the elusiveness of true recovery.

By Rachel Luft

After disaster, communities talk about building back better, but often reconstruct problems of the past. This is true of social infrastructure, as well. Rachel Luft examines how we must rebuild from the intersection of race, class, and gender to create truly effective recovery.

By Stefanie Haeffele and Virgil Henry Storr

Most people want to return home after a disaster, but they need something to return to. Learn about how community leaders and entrepreneurs provide the seeds to regrowing communities.

By Alice Fothergill and Lori Peek

What do children need after a disaster? Drawing from lessons learned after Hurricane Katrina, Fothergill and Peek highlight six critical spheres in a child's life that need additional support when disaster strikes.

By Sarah DeYoung

Safe and contamination-free spaces in shelters for infant feeding can substantially improve the evacuation and displacement experience for families in disaster.

By Jacquelyn Litt

Recovering from disaster is hard enough, but when people are forced relocate—especially lower-income women—they can lose the help of family and friends who might make it easier.

By Laura M. Stough

After a disaster, people with disabilities face different challenges in recovery. Laura Stough looks at the myriad of resources and services that need to be rebuilt with an eye to future resilience.

By Marccus Hendricks

The area where vulnerable populations live often have equally vulnerable infrastructure. Marccus Hendricks examines how increased risk can be literally built into some neighborhoods.

By Michelle Annette Meyer

Long-term recovery work often falls to nonprofit and community groups. Good coordination at the outset can make all the difference in their success.

If you are interested in contributing to this series, please contact Natural Hazards Center Director Lori Peek directly at


Research Counts is made possible with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593) and supplemental support from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-National Integrated Drought Information System (NOAA-NIDIS). Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF, FEMA, NOAA-NIDIS, or Natural Hazards Center.