Bill Anderson Fund Lightning Talks Powered by PechaKucha

Wed. 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. MDT

This session will feature a series of short presentations showcasing the work being done in the hazards field by Bill Anderson Fund Fellows from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds.

Moderator Presenters
Felicia Henry, American University

The Disaster of Injustice: COVID-19 and Prisons

Natasha Malmin, Clemson University

The Weight of Administrative Burden: The Distributive Consequences of Federal Disaster Assistance on Recovery after Hurricane Harvey

Farah Nibbs, University of Delaware

Climate Change, Rainwater Harvesting, and Water Security in Caribbean SIDS

Valerie Washington, University of Michigan

Using Location Data to Evaluate Factors Influencing Hurricane Evacuation Departure Times

Alex White, Michigan State University

Urban Trees: Helpful or Hazardous?

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