Practitioners Meeting
Research and Practice Highlights Index
Adams, Rachel, Jennifer Tobin, Lori Peek, Jolie Breeden, Sara McBride, and Robert de Groout
The Generational Gap: Differences in Earthquake Protective Actions Among Children and Adults
Adams, Rachel, Holly Davies, Jennifer Tobin, Jolie Breeden, Meghan Mordy, Sara McBride, Robert de Groot, and Lori Peek
Implementing ShakeAlert in Schools: A Survey of Superintendents in Earthquake Country
Adams, Ragan
Are You Familiar with the Extension Disaster Educational Network (EDEN)?
Allen, Lindsay, Jerry Bieszczad, Richard Rosselli, and Jennifer Horney
Contribute to the Development of Software to Improve Healthcare Disaster Resilience
Angell, Elizabeth, Maggie Ortiz-Millan, and Heidi Tremayne
Learning From Earthquakes: Reconnaissance Response to the February 2023 Turkey Earthquakes
Austin, Jessica
Hands-On Geographic Information Systems Experience Enhances Social Science Disaster Research
Beveridge, Thomas
Mitigating and Preventing Climate-Driven Disasters: Focusing on the Isthmus of Chignecto
Campbell, Nnenia, Anne Wein, Judanne Lennox-Morrison, Jean Claude Ndongo, and Suzanne Frew
Diversifying HayWired Communication: Insights on Inclusive Engagement
Chisty, Musabber Ali
Can Training Improve Volunteerism to Ensure Community-Based Flood Risk Management in Bangladesh?
Fox, Natasha
Exploring Marginalized Communities' Needs and Disaster Resilience on the Oregon Coast
Gibb, Christine, Alice Fothergill, Gabriella Meltzer, and Nnenia Campbell
Children, Teens, and Older Adults in COVID-19
Jackson, Lisa Marie
Building a Sustainable Emergency Management Workforce that Represents the People it Serves
Jeong, Sangman, Tae Sung Cheong, Kuk Ryul Oh, and Sangkwon Lee
Improvement of the Agricultural Water Demand and Supply Drought Index
Kar, Bandana, Margaret Glasscoe, Douglas Bausch, Jun Wang, Prativa Sharma, Guy Schumann, and Kristy Tiampo
An Ensemble Approach to Global Flood Severity Forecasting and Alerting
KC, Deepak
Climate Risk Management Initiatives in Nepal
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy, Ono Yuichi, and Imre Gabor Holtzer
Executive Summary of the U.S.-Japan Human-Centered Data for Resilience Workshop
Lakhina, Shefali Juneja
Wonder Labs Reimagining 2025: Living with Fire Design Challenge
LaLone, Nicolas, Phoebe Dugas Toups, and Bryan Semaan
Making Tech Happen in Emergency Management: It's Harder Than You Think
Landau, Laura, Lindsay Campbell, Erika Svendsen, and Michelle Johnson
Building Adaptive Capacity: Responding to COVID-19 Along With Compounding and Concurrent Crises
MacPherson-Krutsky, Carson, Luther Green, Mary Angelica Painter, Nnenia Campbell, and Lori Peek
Risk Communication and Social Vulnerability: Training and Guidance for Practitioners
Maki, Norio, Takeshi Morii, and Toshiaki Sato
Expanding the Resilience Concept to Life Time Assessment of Building Sustainability
Mark, Brigid
Following Indigenous Leadership: How the Movement Against Line 3 Encouraged Indigenous-White Collaboration
Mordy, Meghan, Rachel Adams, and Lori Peek
Public Health Disaster Research Award Program Evaluation
Painter, Mary Angelica, Melissa Villarreal, Heather Champeau, and Lori Peek
Social Vulnerability and Disaster Mitigation Planning in the Midwest
Passalacqua, Paola, Michelle Meyer, Liv Haselbach, Ethan Coon, Fernanda Leite, Noel Estwick, and Jaimie Masterson
Equitable Solutions for Communities Caught Between Floods and Pollution in Southeast Texas
Payeur, Chad, Catherine Welker, and Jocelyn Lewandowski
Federal Emergency Management Agency Develops National Resilience Guidance: A Collective Approach
Pedersen, Kate, Deb Witmer, and Elizabeth "Eli" King
Washington State Energy Resilience Program
Peek, Lori, Heather Champeau, Jennifer Tobin, Sudha Arlikatti, Shih-Kai "Sky" Huang, and H. Tristan Wu
Research Counts Special Collection: The Disaster Cycle
Peek, Lori, Heather Champeau, and Jessica Austin
Social Science Extreme Events Research (SSEER) Annual Census and Web Map
Qiao, Xiaohui and Christa D. Court
Rapid Assessment of the Impacts of Tropical Cyclones on Agriculture
Ross, Ashley, Laura Siebeneck, and H. Tristan Wu
Risk Communication in the Post-Truth Era
Russell, Jennifer
The Impact of Community-Wide Natural Disasters on Breastfeeding Mothers
Traczykowski, Lauren
Disaster Ethics, Professionally Speaking
Villarreal, Melissa
Documenting the Undocumented: Mexican Immigrant Women Navigate Long-Term Recovery and Cumulative Impacts
Zhao, Xilei, Shih-Kai "Sky" Huang, and Michael Lindell
Investigating Household Protective Action Decision-Making and Trade-Offs in Hurricane Ian