Career Kickstarter
Monday, July 10, 10:00 to 10:30 a.m. MDT
Location: Ponderosa
We invite those seeking jobs and those with jobs to share to use the morning break to make connections during this semi-structured meet-up. There will be coffee available in the Ponderosa Room, so please make your way over as soon as the morning plenary ends!
This year’s Career Kickstarter will be organized so that those who want to share job opportunities will be given the opportunity to highlight open or forthcoming opportunities. Those who are looking for new employment opportunities can then ask questions and are encouraged to bring resumes and business cards to keep the job conversations going throughout the Workshop.
In addition to this networking session, a resource table will be available for the duration of the Workshop for participants to leave flyers and other materials that might be of use to job seekers or employers. Please bring plenty of copies to share.