Awards Ceremony

Monday, July 10, 5:10 to 5:30 p.m. MDT
Location: Centennial E

Please join us for a festive celebration of the winners of the Mary Fran Myers Scholarship, the Disability and Disasters Award, and the Hazards and Disaster Student Paper Competition. The Natural Hazards Center will honor the current recipients of the awards, as well as recognize award winners from our virtual Workshop years. The award selection committee chairs will briefly describe each award and introduce the recipients.

After the Natural Hazards Center awards are announced, the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Disasters (RC-39) will name the 2023 recipients of the Charles E. Fritz Award for Career Achievements in the Social Science Disaster Area and the E.L. Quarantelli Award for Social Science Disaster Theory.

We hope that all Workshop participants will take a moment to meet and congratulate the award recipients during this special session and throughout the duration of the Workshop.

Mary Fran Myers Scholarship

Co-Chairs 2023 Winners 2021 Winner 2020 Winners

Disability and Disasters Award

Chair 2023 Winner 2021 Winner

Student Paper Competition

Co-Chairs 2023 Undergraduate Winner
Nyla Howell, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
The Impact of Corporeal Markers on Natural Hazard Preparedness During Hurricane Katrina
2023 Graduate Winner
Nahuel Arenas Garcia, University of Birmingham
Slow Action as a Moral Wrong: The Abolition of Slavery and the Fight Against Climate Change

Charles E. Fritz Award for Career Achievements in the Social Science Disaster Area

Co-Chairs 2023 Winner

E.L. Quarantelli Award for Social Science Disaster Theory

Co-Chairs 2023 Winner:
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