
The Natural Hazards Center team is pleased to welcome you to the 48th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop. We are thankful that you are part of the diverse group of researchers, practitioners, and policy makers who participate in this meeting. It is our honor to convene the Workshop, and we are so grateful for each of you and the work you do.

Special Thanks

Natural Hazards Center Advisory Committee

The Natural Hazards Center team receives regular guidance from our Advisory Committee members. Their wisdom, thoughtful advice, and ongoing support is gratefully acknowledged.

In addition to our current members, we would also like to thank Debra Ballen from the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety, and Leremy Colf from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Both completed their terms of service with the Advisory Committee in 2022. Their service to the broader hazards and disaster community is deeply appreciated and continues to influence the work of the Center.

Additional Supporters

In planning this year’s Workshop and add-on meetings, the Natural Hazards Center team has benefitted tremendously from the generosity and assistance of many people and organizations. We would like to extend additional thanks to:

  • All those who submitted ideas for panels and presentations during the planning stage for the Workshop. The program is made possible due to your contributions.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which supported the production, printing, and distribution of the Research Counts Special Collection on Mass Sheltering and Disasters for participants. The Natural Hazards Center thanks those who authored pieces for the special collection, and acknowledges the invaluable contributions of Robin Soler, Tracy Thomas, and their colleagues at the CDC.
  • Alece Birnbach of the Graphic Recording Studio who will offer live recordings at this year’s Workshop.
  • Chip Van Zandt of Van Zandt Visual for capturing images of the people and activities at this year’s Workshop.
  • Amy Graves and the team at the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance at the University of Colorado Boulder for their support with sign language interpretation.
  • Kristina Peterson of the Lowlander Center, who organized a collection of beautiful jewelry for sale at the Workshop. Members of women’s cooperatives are compensated for the purchase of their product, and all additional proceeds go to the Bill Anderson Fund, the Mary Fran Myers Scholarship Fund, and the Gilbert F. White Endowed Graduate Research Fellowship.
  • Julie Maldonado of the Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network, who sent books to the Natural Hazards Center to be distributed to students.
  • Frannie Edwards, recently retired from San Jose State University, who mailed her entire collection of “vintage” Natural Hazards Workshop and California Earthquake Preparedness Month t-shirts to be distributed at this year’s Workshop.
  • Sara Hamideh of Stony Brook University and Sabine Loos of the University of Michigan, who once again spearheaded the planning for the Researchers Meeting.
  • Thomas Hughes, president of the National Hazard Mitigation Association, and Ed Hecker, director of operations, who led the planning for the 2023 Practitioners Meeting.
  • The Institute of Behavioral Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, which provides an institutional home for the Natural Hazards Center and an incredibly supportive environment.
  • Rob Pudim—who has contributed to the Natural Hazards Center since its founding in 1976—for the use of his illustrations.