Monday, July 10, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. MDT
Location: Centennial F
The effects that natural hazards have on civil infrastructure have long been of concern to the research and practice community. In response, the National Science Foundation has made major investments in the distributed, multi-user Natural Hazard Engineering Research Infrastructure (NHERI) for the nation. The facilities, which are headquartered at universities across the United States, provide the natural hazard engineering and social science community with state-of-the-art laboratories, a computational modeling and simulation center, cyberinfrastructure, reconnaissance equipment, and training and research network support. Panelists in this session will discuss how to access the facilities and their many resources. Participants will also learn more about the NHERI Science Plan and the impact the facilities have had in mitigating natural hazards and promoting community resilience through advancing science and building partnerships for risk reduction.