Erin Urquhart serves as associate program manager for the NASA Earth Science Applied Sciences Water Resource program area. She also leads the NASA PACE Project Applications program at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center as a member of the Ocean Ecology Laboratory. Her research focuses on utilizing satellite remote sensing data to monitor and model water quality in coastal, estuarine, and inland areas, specifically the identification and monitoring of harmful algal blooms and pathogenic bacteria to promote recreation safety, ensure clean drinking water, support safe and sustainable aquaculture, and protect public health.
Urquhart engages users and stakeholders to identify their needs and science objectives while exploring innovative and practical applications of satellite Earth observation data. She works at the transdisciplinary boundary of Earth science, social science, and public health using design thinking principles and participatory research. Previously, Urquhart was a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency research fellow as part of the Cyanobacteria Assessment Network project. She received her doctorate and master’s degrees from The Johns Hopkins University in Earth & Planetary Sciences. She also earned a master’s degree in environmental public health from The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, a professional design thinking certificate from Cornell University, and a creative leadership certificate from IDEOU.