Shangjia Dong is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, a core faculty member of the Disaster Research Center, and a member of the Coastal Hazards, Equity, Economic prosperity & Resilience Hub at the University of Delaware. His research revolves around understanding the complex dynamics between human and infrastructure systems during disasters. He aims to establish an algorithmic and theoretical framework to assess community resilience and equity, which can facilitate risk-informed decision-making for climate change adaptation, critical infrastructure protection, effective disaster preparedness and response, equitable resilience planning and operationalization, and smart operation and design of urban infrastructure. Dong takes an interdisciplinary research approach, drawing on models and insights from civil engineering, social science, public policy, urban planning, public health, and network science. Dong received MS and PhD in civil engineering with a minor in computer science from Oregon State University, following which he completed post-doctoral research training in the Urban Resilience lab at Texas A&M University.