Stakeholder Roles in Climate Adaptation

Wednesday, July 17, 4:15 to 5:45 p.m MDT
Location: Pine


Multi-Stakeholders’ Role in Reducing Greenhouse Effects in the Workplace: Evidence From Bangladesh

Khondoker Mokaddem Hossain, Bangladesh University of Professionals

What Resources Impact Behavior During Power Outages Caused by Extreme Weather Events?

Rebecca Entress, University of Central Florida
Kelly Stevens, University of Central Florida

Social Responses to Climate Change Attributed Flooding in South Louisiana

Kevin Smiley, Louisiana State University
Teye Yevuyibor, Louisiana State University
KayLynn Larrison, Louisiana State University
James Done, National Center for Atmospheric Research
Alexandra N. Ramos-Valle, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Strengthening Community Resilience for Reducing Disaster Risk Through Climate Change Adaptation Practices

Tareq Mahanud, University of Barishal
Tanwee Das, University of Barishal

Balancing Community Values and Economic Feasibility in Resilience Planning Through Participatory Framework

Mahdi Zareei, Michigan State University
Carissa Knox, University of Michigan
Jennifer Helgeson, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Steven Gray, Michigan State University