Special Call for Research: FEMA Region 8

The Natural Hazards Center funded a special call to expand understanding of the recent hazards and disasters experienced in FEMA Region 8, and produce actionable guidance for emergency managers. You can learn more about this special call by viewing the Proposal Q&A Session page. The following is a list of final reports that were published as part of this call.

QR366 | Preparing Mobile Home Park Residents for Wildfire in Lake County, Colorado (2024)
Julia B. Goolsby, Hannah Brenkert-Smith, Colleen Donovan, Stephen Boyle, Carolyn Wagner, Patricia Champ, Josh Kuehn, and Suzanne Wittenbrink

QR364 | Evaluating Research and Planning for Climate Migration and Displacement in the Rural and Arid West (2023)
Stacia Ryder, Jordan Rowley, and Dalllin Johnson

QR362 | The State of Emergency Operations Centers in Colorado (2023)
Peter Loebach, Jacki Chavez, Andrew De Souza, and Caitlin Caciola

QR361 | Land Use Adaptations to Wildfire in Unincorporated Communities in Colorado (2023)
Divya Chandrasekhar, Donovan Finn, Santina Contreras, and Tasnim Tarannum Isaba

QR360 | Lessons from the 2022 Yellowstone Floods: The Power of Documentary Film Interviews (2023)
Hugo Sindelar

QR359 | Making Us Whole Again? Lessons From Montana Disaster Recovery (2023)
Lauren K. McKeague, Christina S. Barsky, Josephine K. Hazelton-Boyle, and M. Blake Emidy

QR358 | Boosting Resilience: Exploring a Research Collaborative’s Role in Natural Hazard Adaptation (2023)
Madison Boone and Sarah P. Church

QR357 | The Role of Business Support Organizations in Advancing Equitable Economic Recovery (2023)
Sua Kim and Divya Chandrasekhar

QR356 | Pre-Disaster Planning for Post-Disaster Public Housing Recovery: Near-Experience Communities (2023)
Sayma Khajehei and Divya Chandrasekhar


Please contact the Natural Hazards Center team at haz.research.awards@colorado.edu.

The Quick Response Research Award Program is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF Award #1635593), with supplemental funding to the Natural Hazards Center from FEMA Region 8. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF, FEMA, or the Natural Hazards Center.