Researchers Meeting Abstract Submission Form

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the 2025 Researchers Meeting. It will be held July 16-17, 2025, immediately following the close of the 50th Annual Natural Hazards Research and Applications Workshop.

We invite researchers from all disciplines to submit abstracts focused on any topic related to hazards and disasters. Researchers Meeting submissions are due by February 28, 2025, at 5:00 p.m. MST.

There are two ways to contribute to the Researchers Meeting:

  1. Present your Research. In this format, speakers will have 10 to 12 minutes to share their research using PowerPoint slides, with an additional 3 to 5 minutes for audience Q&A. Presentations will be organized into concurrent sessions featuring 4 to 6 presentations on a common topic. Please complete the form below if you are interested in submitting an abstract to present original research at the Researchers Meeting.
  2. Lead a Roundtable Discussion. Roundtables are discussion-based and will be centered around the topic that you describe in your submission. Rather than presenting scholarly research material, roundtable organizers will facilitate a dialogue with the audience on a key research-focused thematic area. If you are interested in leading a Roundtable Discussion, please complete the Roundtable Discussion Form.
Researchers Meeting Abstract Submission Form

Please enter information below exactly as you would like it to appear in the online program. Please only submit one idea per form.

Provide a title for your presentation in APA title case. (Limit 12 words).

Abstract (Limit 250 words)

Please submit a research abstract that describes your project or paper. Include key research questions, methods, results, and practical implications.

If accepted, the version submitted here will be lightly edited and published online, so please ensure that your submission adheres to professional writing standards. The abstract should be written in the third person, proper nouns should be capitalized, all acronyms should be spelled out on first use, and the use of contractions should be avoided. Because researchers from many disciplines attend this meeting, technical abstracts should be written in accessible language. Please see the Natural Hazards Center abstract submission guidelines for more details.

(Please Specify)

The submitted work is related to (select all that apply):

(Please Specify)

Please select which of the following disciplinary categories best captures the area(s) of academic expertise among the abstract author(s). Select all that apply.

(Please Specify)

Does the presenter identify as an early-career scholar, here defined as someone less than three years post-graduate degree, or a student?

Please list ALL authors, including yourself, in the order you would like them to appear in the online program. Please check the presenter box next to the author who will be responsible for presenting the research at the 2025 Researchers Meeting. The presenter will also be the main point of contact for this event. Please only identify one person as a presenter.
Authorship in Multiple Submissions

Funding Acknowledgement Please include any required acknowledgement of funding below.
Session Moderator Apart from presenting, would you be interested in moderating a session during the Researchers Meeting?

Due to the volume of submissions received, not all abstracts can be chosen for presentation. However, we encourage you to participate in the meeting regardless of the final decision. If your abstract is chosen, you will be expected to register for the Researchers Meeting by May 1, 2025, or you will be removed from the program. Thank you for your research and for your submission.