Training and Networking: Coastlines and People Hubs and Recent CAREER Awards Hubs and Recent CAREER Awards

Thursday, July 13, 3:15 to 4:45 p.m.
Location: Interlocken C

Please join this session to learn more about the National Science Foundation-funded hubs supported by the Coastlines and People (CoPe) program and hear from recent CAREER award recipients. Panelists will share updates regarding the activities of the multi-institutional coastal research hubs and how they are developing new knowledge about interactions among natural, built, and social systems in coastal areas. CAREER awardees will provide advice to prospective applicants and updates on their projects, which address pressing disaster resilience questions with innovative and equity-driven approaches.


Evaluating Accessibility After a Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquake and Tsunami

Dan Cox, Oregon State University
Amina Meselhe, Oregon State University
Dylan Sanderson, Oregon State University
Jenna Tilt, Oregon State University

Characterizing Tradeoffs of Coastal Adaptation Strategies Using Value-Informed Objectives

Laura Geronimo, Rutgers University

CAREER: Multiscale Probabilistic Characterization of Seismic Site Response in Highly Uncertain Environments

Ashly Cabas, North Carolina State University

CAREER: Affordable Versus Vacation Housing Resilience: Mechanisms that Shape Housing Vulnerability and Recovery in Coastal Communities

Sara Hamideh, Stony Brook University

CAREER: Estimating and Addressing Disaster Survivors' Unmet Needs: A Social Vulnerability and Social Infrastructure Approach

Michelle Annette Meyer, Texas A&M University

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