Graphic Recordings at the 2022 Natural Hazards Workshop

This year, the Natural Hazards Center was again fortunate to have the ideas expressed in the keynote, plenary sessions, and closing call to action at the Natural Hazards Workshop captured in the art of Alece Birnbach of the Graphic Recording Studio. Please take a look below at our discussions and vision for the future in graphic art form. You can click on the images to view in full screen.

Changing Climates: 2022 Community Mural and Collective Vision

Keynote Address: The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice

Plenary: Global to Local—Assessing and Addressing Changing Climates

Plenary: Justice40—Confronting Climate Change and Racial Inequity

Plenary: On the Move—Climate Relocation and Social Justice

Plenary: Public Communication of Science Lightning Talks

Plenary: Reimagining Caring, Just, and Equitable Futures in a Fiery World

Wrap-Up and Call to Action