Sunday, July 10, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. MDT
The Ready-to-Fund Resilience Project incorporates case studies from across the United States and the insights of an expert advisory group of national leaders in the nonprofit, government, philanthropic, private, and academic sectors. It features a technical paper, a toolkit, and upcoming training for local government practitioners and partners in small-to-medium sized governments.
Discussing the various aspects of Ready-to-Fund Resilience can help local government practitioners and partners move from the “what” to the “how” of resilience funding and achieve successful climate resilience funding and finance outcomes.
In this training session, participants will learn how to implement two foundational characteristics:
Presenters will cover the stages of project life cycles and offer potential options for blended funding and finance options. They will also put forth strategies to equitably co-develop projects with the people most impacted by and most knowledgeable about resilience issues in their communities.