Hazards and Disaster Research by New Professionals

Wednesday, July 12, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. MDT
Location: Interlocken B

This session features new research by students and recent graduates in the hazards and disaster field. Please join to learn more about cutting-edge work by new professionals!

Moderator Presenters
Natasha Fox, Oregon State University

Participatory Resilience for Oregon Coastal Hazards: A Grounded Study in Queer Community Adaptation

Laura Landau, Rutgers University

We Keep Us Safe: Mutual Aid Responses to COVID-19 in New York City

Salvesila Tamima, University of Delaware

Adjustments to the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Texas Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites’ Operations

Chandler Wilkins, Texas A&M University

Understanding the Natural Hazard Risk of Communities with Public Housing Developments in Houston, Texas

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