2017 Natural Hazards Workshop Planning Committee

This year our staff invited several professionals to assist with the Natural Hazards Workshop planning process to ensure that the meeting is reflective of the diverse people, disciplines, and practices in our broader community. The members of the Workshop Planning Committee, listed below, have recommended many innovative session ideas and talented speakers. They have ultimately helped us to bring new people and perspectives to the 2017 Workshop, and we are grateful for their support.

Norma Anderson

Bill Anderson Fund

Erin Capps

H2O Partners, Inc.

Arrietta Chakos

Urban Resilience Strategies

Marccus Hendricks

University of Maryland, College Park

Barry Hokanson

PLN Associates

Tom Hughes

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

Hans Louis-Charles

University of Nebraska Omaha

Michelle Meyer

Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, Texas A&M University

Darrin Punchard

Punchard Consulting

Ed Thomas

Natural Hazard Mitigation Association