Speakers and Presenters
Click on the names below to learn more about the our 2017 Natural Hazards Workshop Speakers and Presenters.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X
Daniel Aldrich, Northeastern University
William Anderson, Transportation Research Board at the National Academies
David Applegate, U.S. Geological Survey
- Plenary: Funding Evidence-Based and Action-Oriented Initiatives
- Grand Challenges for Disaster Reduction
Sudha Arlikatti, Rabdan Academy
Katie Arrington, Boulder County
Kayode Atoba, Texas A&M University
Lauren Alexander Augustine, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Gonzalo Bacigalupe, CIGIDEN
Mary Baker, Nebraska Emergency Management Agency
Debra Ballen, Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety
Chris Barth, U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Daniel Bass, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Rebecca Beavers, National Park Service
Julia Becker, Massey University
- International Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction
- Large-Scale Disasters: Planning, Response, and Recovery
Doug Bellomo, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Mitigation Investments and Reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program
- Natural Defenses: Ecological Approaches to Hazards Mitigation
DeeDee Bennett, University of Nebraska Omaha
Ellen Berggren, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Chad Berginnis, Association of State Floodplain Managers
Philip Berke, Texas A&M University
Cherrie Black, Idaho National Laboratory
Neil Blais, Blais & Associates
Nicole Boothman-Shepard, AECOM
Dana Brechwald, Association of Bay Area Governments
Hannah Brenkert-Smith, University of Colorado Boulder
R. J. Briggs, Praedicat
Bill Brown, Association of State Floodplain Managers
Katherine Browne, Colorado State University
Jon Caime, Laurens County, South Carolina
Erin Capps, H2O Partners, Inc.
Stephen Cauffman, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Veronica Cedillos, Applied Technology Council
Arrietta Chakos, Urban Resilience Strategies
Robert Chen, Columbia University
Ryan Colker, National Institute of Building Sciences
Santina Contreras, University of Southern California
John Cooper Jr., Texas A&M University
Shannon Cunniff, Environmental Defense Fund
Flozell Daniels, Foundation for Louisiana
Nicole Dash, University of North Texas
Magdalena Denham, Sam Houston State University
Sarah DeYoung, University of Georgia
Alexa Dietrich, Wagner College
Jerome Dinakar, FEMA Youth Preparedness Council
Renee Domingo, Kaiser Permanente
Simone Domingue, University of Colorado Boulder
Sandi Doughton, The Seattle Times
Michelle Dovil, Howard University
Asia Dowtin, University of Delaware
Skip Edel, National Park Service
David Eisenman, University of California, Los Angeles
Stuart Ellsworth, Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission
Chris Emrich, University of Central Florida
Ann-Margaret Esnard, Georgia State University
Eliot Evans, U.S. Air Force
Jonathan Eyer, University of Southern California
Shirley Feldmann-Jensen, California State University, Long Beach
Woodrow Fields, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Colin Foard, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Maureen Fordham, University College London
Suzanne Frew, The Frew Group
Melanie Gall, Arizona State University
Gerald Galloway, University of Maryland
Emel Ganapati, Florida International University
Philip Ganderton, University of New Mexico
Patricia Gavelda, Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Brandi Gilbert, Urban Institute
Duane Gill, Oklahoma State University
Denise Gilliam, Federal Emergency Management Agency
June Gin, Veterans Emergency Management Evaluation Center
Jonathan Godt, U.S. Geological Survey
Jennifer Goldsmith-Grinspoon, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Jamie Gomez, West Region Wildfire Council
Sophie Guilbault, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
Eleanore Hajian, Department of Homeland Security
Tim Haney, Mount Royal University
Edward Hecker, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Marccus Hendricks, University of Maryland, College Park
Jaimie Hicks Masterson, Texas A&M University
Lori Hodges, Larimer County Office of Emergency Management
Susanna Hoffman, Hoffman Consulting
William Hooke, American Meteorological Society
Tom Hughes, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
Kanako Iuchi, IRIDes
Pamela Jenkins, University of New Orleans
Sangman Jeong, Kongju National University
Alessandra Jerolleman, Lowlander Center
Sissel Jore, University of Stavanger
Grace Kang, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
Jack Kartez, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
James Kendra, University of Delaware
John Kiefer, University of New Orleans
Kenji Koshiyama, Kansai University
Paul Kovacs, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction
Richard Krajeski, Lowlander Center
Shirley Laska, Lowlander Center
William Leith, U.S. Geological Survey
Marc Levitan, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Rong-Gong Lin II, Los Angeles Times
Mark Lorando, New Orleans Times-Picayune
Hans Louis-Charles, University of Nebraska Omaha
William Lovekamp, Eastern Illinois University
Timothy Lovell, Disaster Resilience Network
Michael Lowder, U.S. Department of Transportation
Allison Madera, University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center
Janiele Maffei, California Earthquake Authority
Mollie Mahany, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Julie Maldonado, Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network
Anya Malkov, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Forrest Masters, University of Florida
Joel Max, Larimer County Office of Emergency Management
Keely Maxwell, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Plenary: Jumping Across the Digital Divide—Innovative Approaches for Action
- Who Lives Here? Locating and Leveraging Culture to Support Community Resilience
Miho Mazereeuw, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tony McAleavy, Rabdan Academy
Steven McCabe, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Samantha Medlock, Willis Towers Watson
James Meldrum, U.S. Geological Survey
David Mendonca, National Science Foundation
Michelle Meyer, Hazard Reduction & Recovery Center, Texas A&M University
Dennis Mileti, University of Colorado Boulder
Aubrey Miller, National Institutes of Health
Deborah Mills, Dewberry
Judith Mitrani-Reiser, National Institute of Standards and Technology
Robert Moore, Natural Resources Defense Council
Shingo Nagamatsu, Kansai University
William Nicholson, Emergency Law Consultants
Rachel Norton, University of Colorado Denver
Caela O'Connell, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Michele Olson, University of Kentucky
Rebekah Paci-Green, Western Washington University
Debra Parkinson, iiNet Limited
Scott Parr, California State University, Fullerton
Lori Peek, University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center
Victor Perez, University of Delaware
Kristina Peterson, Lowlander Center
Nicholas Pinter, University of California, Davis
Keith Porter, University of Colorado Boulder
Lars Powell, University of Alabama
David Prevatt, University of Florida
Darrin Punchard, Punchard Consulting
Sharyl Rabinovici, Sharyl Rabinovici Consulting
Dave Ramsey, U.S. Geological Survey
Tarek Rashed, Polis Center
Laura RidesHorse, Crow Nation
Liesel Ritchie, University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center
Fernando Rivera, University of Central Florida
Patrick Roberts, Virginia Tech
Adam Rose, University of Southern California
Nathanael Rosenheim, Texas A&M University
Claire Rubin, Claire B. Rubin & Associates
Andrew Rumbach, University of Colorado Denver
Mathew Sanders, Louisiana Office of Community Development
Wendy Saunders, GNS Science
Philip Schneider, National Institute of Building Sciences
Julie Shemeta, MEQ Geo
Cheney Shreve, Gender, Etc.
Nick Shufro, Federal Emergency Management Agency
William Siembieda, California Polytechnic State University
Steve Simoncic, Playwright
Stacy Small-Lorenz, National Wildlife Federation
Henry Smart, Virginia Tech
Ben Smilowitz, Disaster Accountability Project
Gavin Smith, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jen Smith, Save the Children
Adam Smith, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Jacqueline Snelling, Federal Emergency Management Agency
John Sorensen, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Tanya Stern, Washington, D.C. Office of Planning
Karen Sudmeier, University of Lausanne
Emma Sun, Envision Utah Youth Council
Alex Sun, FEMA Youth Preparedness Council
Elaina Sutley, University of Kansas
Jeannette Sutton, University of Kentucky
Hirokazu Tatano, Global Alliance for Disaster Research Institutes
Shigeo Tatsuki, Doshisha University
Justin Theal, The Pew Charitable Trusts
Kathleen Tierney, University of Colorado Boulder
Heidi Tremayne, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Natasha Udu-gama, American Geophysical Union
Bethany Van Brown, Loyola University, New Orleans
Shannon Van Zandt, Texas A&M University
John Vargo, University of Canterbury
David Vaughn, Clemson University
Savin Ven Johnson, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Jamie Vickery, University of Colorado Natural Hazards Center
Gregory Vigneaux, California State University, Long Beach
Tricia Wachtendorf, University of Delaware
William Waugh, Georgia State University
Regine Webster, Center for Disaster Philanthropy
Anne Wein, U.S. Geological Survey
Dennis Wenger, National Science Foundation, Retired
Liz Williams, Foundation for Louisiana
Brian Willsey, Federal Emergency Management Agency
- WiRē: Uniting Research and Practice to Address “Last-Mile” Wildfire Problems
- Natural Defenses: Ecological Approaches to Hazards Mitigation
Jay Wilson, Clackamas County Disaster Management
Amy Wolkin, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Molly Woloszyn, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant
Nathan Wood, U.S. Geological Survey
- Partnering with Practitioners Roundtable
- Advancing Research and Applications to Improve Risk Reduction
Roy Wright, Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Mitigation Investments and Reauthorization of the National Flood Insurance Program
- Large-Scale Disasters: Planning, Response, and Recovery
Tristan Wu, Oklahoma State University
Jie-Ying Wu, University of Taipei
Yu Xiao, Texas A&M University