Speakers and Presenters

Click on the names below to learn more about the our 2018 Natural Hazards Workshop Speakers and Presenters.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | V | W

Leslie Abrahams, Institute for Defense Analyses

David Abramson, New York University

Charlotte Acton, Risk Management Solutions

Supriya Akerkar, Oxford Brookes University

David Alamia, Harris County Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Bob Alexander, Rural Livelihood Risk Management Consulting

Bill Anderson, Transportation Research Board at the National Academies

David Applegate, U.S. Geological Survey

Stacey Arnesen, National Library of Medicine

Lauren Alexander Augustine, The National Academies

Jill Barnes, Los Angeles Unified School District

Rebecca Beavers, National Park Service

Nancy Beers, Center for Disaster Philanthropy

Matthew Behnke, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Jesse Bell, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Doug Bellomo, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

DeeDee Bennett Gayle, State University of New York at Albany

Ellen Berggren, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Phil Berke, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Virginia Berndt, University of Delaware

Erik Bishop, Reid Middleton

Lisa Blake, New York City Emergency Management

Sara Bondesson, Swedish Defence University

Lisa Branum, U.S. Department of the Interior

Hannah Brenkert-Smith, University of Colorado Boulder

Jeff Brislawn, Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.

Sherri Brokopp Binder, BrokoppBinder Research & Consulting

Shannon Burke, American Planning Association

Eric Carbone, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Arrietta Chakos, Urban Resilience Strategies

Christopher Clavin, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Leremy Colf, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Ryan Colker, National Institute of Building Sciences

Santina Contreras, University of Southern California

Tim Cook, Washington State Emergency Management

Stephen Costello, City of Houston

Diane Cox, Disaster Scope

Elena Craft, Environmental Defense Fund

Susan Cutter, University of South Carolina

Natasha DeJarnett, American Public Health Association

Sarah DeYoung, University of Delaware

Alexa Dietrich, Social Science Research Council

Maria Dillard, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Robin Dillon-Merrill, Georgetown University

Aram Dobalian, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Simone Domingue, University of Oklahoma

Colleen Durfee, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Christopher Dyer, University of New Mexico—Gallup

Corey Eide, Team Rubicon

David Eisenman, University of California, Los Angeles

Christopher Emrich, University of Central Florida

Erica Fischer, Oregon State University

Suzanne Frew, The Frew Group

Edward Gabriel, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

JC Gaillard, The University of Auckland

Lynn Garst, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Mike Gavin, International Association of Emergency Managers

Brandi Gilbert, Community Science

June Gin, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Jonathan Godt, U.S. Geological Survey

Barb Graff, Seattle Office of Emergency Management

Sara Hamideh, Stony Brook University

Edward Hecker, Hecker Consulting LLC

Marccus Hendricks, University of Maryland, College Park

Andrew Herseth, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Derrick Hiebert, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Mike Hobbins, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

David Hondula, Arizona State University

William Hooke, American Meteorological Society

Suzanne Horsley, The University of Alabama

Paul Huang, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Kenneth Hudnut, U.S. Geological Survey

Thomas Hughes, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency

Iain Hyde, Colorado Resiliency Office

Sascha Ishikawa, RAND Corporation

Lisa Marie Jackson, Emergency Management Victoria

Pamela Jenkins, University of New Orleans

Lynn Jennings, Legal Services Corporation

Alessandra Jerolleman, Loyola University

Laurie Johnson, Laurie Johnson Consulting

Katherine Johnson, National Institute of Standards and Technology

David Johnston, Massey University

Ilan Kelman, University College London

Tracy Kijewski-Correa, University of Notre Dame

Kevin King, Mennonite Disaster Service

Richard Krajeski, Lowlander Center

Tony Krause, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Jamie Kruse, East Carolina University

Howard Kunreuther, University of Pennsylvania

Raymond Laine, Ozengage

Larry Larson, Association of State Floodplain Managers

Shirley Laska, Lowlander Center

Jennifer Lazo, City of Los Angeles

Mary Leinhos, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Lauren Leuck, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Sophia Liu, U.S. Geological Survey

Hans Louis-Charles, Virginia Commonwealth University

Kristin Ludwig, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

Penny Luehring, U.S. Forest Service

Ward Lyles, University of Kansas

Karen MacClune, ISET-International

Janiele Maffei, California Earthquake Authority

Hussam Mahmoud, Colorado State University

Michael Mahoney, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Rejina Manandhar, Arkansas Tech University

Brian Mayer, University of Arizona

Steven McCabe, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Samantha Medlock, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Scott Miles, Impact360 Alliance

Cheryl Miller, Diablo Fire Safe Council

Aubrey Miller, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Judith Mitrani-Reiser, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Jim Murphy, AECOM

Galen Newman, Texas A&M University

Mai Nguyen, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Skye Niles, Natural Hazards Center

Terri Norton, Bucknell University

Oluponmile Olonilua, Texas Southern University

Rob Olshansky, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Richard Olson, Florida International University

Laura Olson, Jacksonville State University

Maggie Ortiz-Millan, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute

Robert O’Connor, National Science Foundation

Brittney Parker, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Sneha Patel, Columbia University

Courtney Patterson, Portland Bureau of Emergency Management

Jacqueline Patterson, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Russ Paulsen, Paulsen and Associates

Walter Peacock, Texas A&M University

Ines Pearce, Pearce Global Partners

Alice Pennaz, U.S. Geological Survey

Sally Phillips, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

John Plodinec, Community and Regional Resilience Institute

Keith Porter, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

Roger Pulwarty, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Adam Rose, University of Southern California

Jenniffer Santos-Hernández, University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras

Alka Sapat, Florida Atlantic University

Siamak Sattar, National Institute of Standards and Technology

Josh Sawislak, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

Cindy Schmidt, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Susan Schmitz, Veterans Emergency Management Evaluation Center

Philip Schneider, National Institute of Building Sciences

Ted Serrant, Houston Independent School District

Nick Shufro, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Ben Smilowitz, Disaster Accountability Project

Gavin Smith, North Carolina State University

Adam Smith, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Erika Spanger-Siegfried, Union of Concerned Scientists

Jeremy Stone, Simon Fraser University

Lisa Grow Sun, Brigham Young University

John Sutter, CNN

Jeannette Sutton, State University of New York at Albany

Cindy Swearingen, Mason Public Schools

Eric Tate, Princeton University

Shigeo Tatsuki, Doshisha University

Justin Theal, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Edward Thomas, National Hazard Mitigation Association

Forbes Tompkins, The Pew Charitable Trusts

Joseph Trainor, University of Delaware

Bethany Van Brown, Sacred Heart University

Shannon Van Zandt, Texas A&M University

Brian Varrella, Colorado Department of Transportation

Suzanne Vermeer, Federal Emergency Management Agency

Kanmani Vetekateswaran, ISET-International

Jamie Vickery, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Melissa Villarreal, Natural Hazards Center

Tricia Wachtendorf, University of Delaware

David Wald, U.S. Geological Survey

Wendy Walsh, Federal Emergency Management Agency

William Waugh, Georgia State University

Elizabeth Weight, National Integrated Drought Information System

Anne Wein, U.S. Geological Survey

Christopher White, Anchor Point Group

John Wiener, University of Colorado Boulder

Kelsey Wittels, Thornton Tomasetti

Laura Wolf, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Amy Wolkin, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Nathan Wood, U.S. Geological Survey